Welcome to nerd1creations!

This space will be used to consolidate all of my custom projects that I work on. I will show work in progress as well as completed projects. I do a little bit of a lot of things including but not limited to customizing toys and designing custom add on's for card and board games. Please feel free to contact me about any of my projects of if you have an idea or would like to commission me to create something for you.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Custom Casted Frost Giant Swords

This is my first "official" upgrade weapon but it will not be the last. I posted the making of the here. I have casted these using very durable resin. They can be cast in tan, or any shade of blue, They can also be cast and then painted.

Cast in tan is $3 for one.
Cast in blue is $3.50 for one
Painted is $5.50 for one
If you want multiples we can work something out.

These will be individually packaged and numbered. They will be cast on a per request basis.

If you are interested please contact me

Please keep in mind that these are a garage kit and cast by me. I am not a professional but am a perfectionist. If you have any problems with the product I will do my best to resolve them with you.

Here is the mold that I created to make these in case you where interested.

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