This space will be used to consolidate all of my custom projects that I work on. I will show work in progress as well as completed projects. I do a little bit of a lot of things including but not limited to customizing toys and designing custom add on's for card and board games. Please feel free to contact me about any of my projects of if you have an idea or would like to commission me to create something for you.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Lunch Money Lunch Box
I created this from scratch using styrene for a buddy who is moving out of states. It was designed and built to hold a card game called "Lunch Money" along with a scratch built thermos to hold all the counters needed. This is my first major scratch build project aside from some much smaller custom G.I Joe weapons. I think this turned out fantastic seeing as its my first full build. I got into scratch building in order to work on a fully scratch built TF..... More on that later :-D I am also thinking about doing another one of these as a reproductions 80's TF lunch box just for fun. All comments and criticism welcome.
First I will show the unpainted pics of so you can see the detail.
Now for the painted and finished product.
The person that it was for absolutely loves it! :-D
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